If you want to learn how to confront temptation, you’re listening to the right episode. What I am about to share is based on the book “The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham” which chronicles how Billy and his team confronted temptation.
Today, I will discuss the Modesto Manifesto they created and made public to help people be accountable, understand the pitfalls of temptations and address them upfront.
Order your copy of “Unstuck and Unstoppable” here –www.jimnkyles.com
Join our email newsletter and get the first three chapters of my book for FREE (Ch. 1 – Help, I’m Stuck, Ch2 – When Life Bites You, Ch3 – Don’t Settle Where You Are) Click this link to download now – https://pages.jimnkyles.com/bookpreview
Website- www.jimnkyles.com
Podcast episode link: https://kite.link/Episode30
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